Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Air Optix and Acuvue lenses-What Makes them Popular?

Eyes are the most delicate parts of our body and they need utmost care, especially if you are using contact lenses. Any contact lens wearer can easily tell you that how important it is to take care of your eyes while using contact lenses. If you use them carefully, it does not cause any harm to your eyes. But once worn, it requires taking off before sleeping. If it is not done, it may create serious affect on your eyes. 

Manufacturers have come up with various solutions. In this blog, we will look at some of the best ones including Air Optix Aqua, Air Optix contact lenses and Acuvue lenses. 

The contact lens industry has been revolutionized recently. The innovative material like silicon hydrogel has helped in enhancing the amount of oxygen getting to the eye to natural level. The similar options help in reducing irritation and diminish the risk of infection. Acuvue is among the first players in this market with a variety of high performance products. A number of arrivals like Air Optix Aqua and Air Optix contact lenses have multiplied the options to choose from. 

Another considerable option is Air Optix Aqua that promises the appealing prospect of wearing contact lenses round the clock for an extended period of time. You do not have to worry about the concern of drifting off to sleep without removing them. 

Alternatively you could look to Air Optix contact lenses. It comes along with several benefits like enhanced visibility and more oxygen to eyes. It helps your eyes stay moist and healthy. Designed by Ciba Vision, the Air Optix Contact Lenses has been a popular choice for lens wearers. 

Air Optix Aqua contact lenses are made with a new hydrogel material that enables up to 5 times more oxygen to flow through the lens. They stay comfortable and wet owing to the AQUA moisture system that helps in decreasing the rate of lens dehydration. Air Optix Aqua is a monthly replacement contact lens. However, the frequency of replacement basically depends on usage.

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