Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Take contacts out before sleeping!

Most people know, whether they wear them or not, that you should never sleep in your contact lenses, as it is not a good idea. It can be harmful to both the contacts and your eyes and is known to cause many issues that people rarely realize until it is too late. Anyone who has slept in their contacts knows how uncomfortable and painful it is, and how much they regret doing it once they wake up with dry, painful and scratchy eyes.

Eyes that have been subjected to contacts while sleeping suffer from greater risk of infections, abrasions, ulcers and other types of damage that could easily be avoided by following some basic do’s and don’ts while wearing them. Contacts have made vision correction an incredibly easy thing for many people who struggle with vision loss, but they require very specific care that is easy and quick to follow in order to keep eyes healthy and to continue to function properly. You should never sleep in your contacts asit has been shown that eyes that have been subjected to this practice are more than 6 times more likely to experience inflammation of the cornea known as keratitis. That statistic is taken just from users who occasionally leave them in overnight, imagine the number of people who are ignoring the fact that they should never sleep in their contacts and regularly choose to do so.  The instances of health issues in those situations will be much greater for something so avoidable.

Everyone’s eyes need the chance to rest and “breathe” after a day of having their corneas snugly covered by contacts. The extra few minutes you save by not taking them out before hitting the hay are not worth the consequences the next day. has a large variety of high quality contacts that can help you see and feel better every day. They are happy to help you find a pair that is right for you, so long as you remember that you should never sleep in your contacts!

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